Thursday, January 20, 2011

Tomato Paste Rescue

There are many recipes which call for 1 tablespoon of tomato paste. One can purchase a tube of tomato paste for upwards of $4 or you can purchase a .99 cent can. In our household the saved $3.01 always wins out, so I am always left with an almost full can of tomato paste. The leftovers never last in the fridge and freezing a whole can makes the second use difficult. Here is what I do. I place the tomato paste in 1 tablespoon serving sizes onto a plate and freeze the dollops right on the plate. Once frozen gently remove the tablespoon size dollops off the plate and place them in a freezer bag. Voila, you have a ready source of tomato paste and you saved some money.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant. My mom does that with chopped garlic - she'll put it in ice cube trays, freeze them, and toss them in a bag.


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